MWC-BTC Price Data

Available data from to

Spot Price

2 Hour VWAP

24 Hour VWAP

72 Hour VWAP

One Week VWAP

Two Weeks VWAP

One Month VWAP

One Quarter VWAP

MWC-BTC Volume Data

2 Hour Volume

24 Hour Volume

72 Hour Volume

One Week Volume

Two Weeks Volume

One Month Volume

One Quarter Volume

200 Day Moving Average

MWC-USDT Price Data

Available data from to

Spot Price

2 Hour VWAP

24 Hour VWAP

72 Hour VWAP

One Week VWAP

Two Weeks VWAP

One Month VWAP

One Quarter VWAP

MWC-USDT Volume Data

2 Hour Volume

24 Hour Volume

72 Hour Volume

One Week Volume

Two Weeks Volume

One Month Volume

One Quarter Volume

200 Day Moving Average

MWC Blockchain Difficulty Data

Available data from to

Current Difficulty

2 Hour Cumulative Difficulty

24 Hour Cumulative Difficulty

72 Hour Cumulative Difficulty

One Week Cumulative Difficulty

Two Weeks Cumulative Difficulty

One Month Cumulative Difficulty

One Quarter Cumulative Difficulty

200 Day Moving Average

GRIN Blockchain Difficulty Data

Available data from to

Current Difficulty

2 Hour Cumulative Difficulty

24 Hour Cumulative Difficulty

72 Hour Cumulative Difficulty

One Week Cumulative Difficulty

Two Weeks Cumulative Difficulty

One Month Cumulative Difficulty

One Quarter Cumulative Difficulty